Student Ministry


​Student Sunday School

The Youth Sunday School offers a time for fellowship, prayer, and engaging Bible lessons taught by a team of teachers. Students meet on the second floor of the Ministry Center.

Wednesday Night Experience

​Our Wednesday night, the youth meet from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Our students enjoy activities and social time in our gymnasium, youth lounge area, and game room before transitioning to our worship area on the second floor of the Ministry Center. This is a time where announcements are made, praise reports and prayer requests are shared, and we lift our praise to God through song and music led by our music ministry team. The youth pastor will present a message or Bible study topic relevant to issues facing students today.

Special Events

Special events are held multiple times throughout the year and are posted on our church calendar. If you would like to sign up for events, please visit our events page at

Want More Information?

In an effort to keep our parents up to date on all of our youth activities, special events, and inclement weather closing and delays, we provide instant notifications by text and phone calls. If you would like to sign-up for this service, or if you have any other questions, please contact Tommy Brooks at or call 434-352-2336.